a SOS - Southern Ohio Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Enhancing Worship Practice

The THRIVE Campaign: Equipping a vibrant church to be sent into the world.

Engage all congregations across the Synod to enhance their own worship and music opportunities, and share their resources and knowledge to assist other congregations.


Weekly worship – hearing the gospel proclaimed, and gathering together around the font and table – is the cornerstone of who we are as Lutherans. A vibrant worship life: feeds our connectedness to Christ, our faith community, and its guests; renews spirits for our Monday-through-Saturday lives; and empowers us for ministry and mission. Congregations dealing with the challenges of limited human and financial resources will be empowered to provide more vibrant worship though this initiative.

Some synod congregations are seeking help in enhancing their worship experiences so that they may better witness to God’s love, others seek support in creating more welcoming worship experiences, while still others desire assistance in developing new forms of worship that are effective in a new age. Most congregations face the challenges of providing vibrant worship in the face of limited human and financial resources.

To address these needs, the Southern Ohio Synod, through its “Thrive! Equipping a Vibrant Church Together” initiative, will:

1. In year 1 of the campaign, initiate a survey of the aspirations and needs of all SOS congregations regarding their worship life in order to determine priorities and methods by which the Synod may aid its constituents in providing more vibrant worship experiences.

2. Hire a synod wide worship coordinator who will, in addition to working with other worship specialists noted below, also plan worship for assemblies, bishop convocations, and other synod events.

3. Provide stipends to five people with proven worship and music leadership skills who will, along with the synod worship coordinator, collaborate with ten congregations in developing:

  • Creative worship options for congregations with limited musical resources
  • Alternative styles of worship conducive to the community
  • Children’s music ministry
  • Intergenerational music

4. Identify, and collaborate with, worship specialists in or outside the Synod to lead regional Worship & Music conferences and/or workshops, sharing ways for participants to improve worship quality in their congregations.

5. Establish synod-wide teams of musicians, pastors, and worshippers which will mentor individual congregations with training, coaching, and development of all facets of worship. Teams will coordinate directly with the Synod Worship Coordinator and be called on to travel for this individual, hands-on approach.

6. Create a “Directory of Congregational Worship & Music Leaders,” which lists contact information for lay or Rostered leaders responsible for worship in their congregations, as well as the styles of worship they currently provide, to use as a resource for collaboration between congregations.

“This initiative excites me because the multiple layers of support it provides – from examples of excellent worship at Synod events to one-on-one support at the congregational level – will be inspiring for pastors and lay leaders alike, which will in turn inspire people at local congregations as what was learned at Synod events is tailored to fit their churches.”


$125,000 in the base goal

Synod Worship Coordinator $50,500
Specialist stipend $10,000 each
    (5 needed covers 2 years) $50,000
Conferences $20,000
Resources $5,000
If we exceed the base goal:  
    An additional year of specialists $25,000
    A Worship Training endowment $50,000

For more information contact Campaign Manager, Pastor Larry Donner, by completing the form below.